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  • read more Nellys Healing Centre - Architecture, Design - Statutory Planning l Pro Bono >

    Aboriginal women are the fastest growing group in the prison population, and they face historically high and increasing rates of child removal. Yet the low numbers of Aboriginal females within our community and the continued misunderstandings of their cultural and specific needs has meant that few appropriate responses are available.

    Nelly’s Healing Centre Inc is a Sydney based service being developed to create change for Aboriginal people through healing. Gomeroi and Biripi woman Helen Eason is using her experience as a service user and long-time supporter of women, men and young people in her community to develop and implement a service that will be culturally equipped to meet the needs of Aboriginal women and their families in their journeys to healing.

    Dickson Rothschild are assisting in the design and realisation of the first iteration of Nelly’s Healing Centre in the inner-Sydney suburb of Camperdown. As it is an unprecedented building type, the planning controls are complicated and require additional consultation with Authorities. Keeping a low budget is essential, so we have aimed to achieve the biggest impact with the fewest design changes. Other project partners include South Coast Women’s Health & Welfare Aboriginal Corporation and the UTS Design Innovation Research Centre. 

    Nelly’s Healing Centre is an Incorporated Association of NSW and a registered charity.
